聖誕節又要到了,不知道大家準備怎麼過?不過我們沒有雪霽可以瞧、沒有臘梅可以聞、也沒有驢兒可以騎(家裡有養的走開),只能買串鈴兒自己敲頭響叮噹,但重點是根本沒有假可以放,好歹前幾年的聖誕夜都有碰上了禮拜五六日,過節氣氛還算有那麼點棉薄,而今年的聖誕夜是禮拜一,禮拜一ㄟ!!!! 聖誕老公公說不定自己的Monday Blue都還沒有消滅,哪有什麼閒情逸致來散播歡樂散播愛!!! (城市少女上場) 。
至於我,可憐的我,聖誕夜那晚還要上課!!!!! (撕爛課本、頭撞黑板) 有什麼事是比聖誕夜還要上課更慘的!!!!??? 是的,那就是跨年夜還要上課的人,好險我沒有,謝謝大家的關心。另外還有一件人倫悲劇順便分享一下,某位不願具名的鄉民來信說由於他之前一時喪心病狂,大手筆訂了兩張阿妹聖誕夜的加場演唱會4500元門票兩張,然後至今依然找不到人陪他去,畢竟會去的人也早就買好票了,在躊躇中的是絕對不會願意花4500元去聽,而本來就不想去的一定是回他說「你請我去看我就去」,至於結果當然就是被他封鎖MSN,沒什麼好說的!!!!! 什麼?有位聽眾callin進來問說為啥我不陪他去看,你是瞎子嗎你!!!!!!!!!?????? 我剛剛不是說我聖‧誕‧夜‧要‧上‧課!!!!!! 真不知道你以前老師是怎麼讓你畢業的!!!!!! (掛電話)
FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director 人力資源部主管 珮蒂
TO: All Employees 給所有員工
RE: Christmas Party 關於聖誕派對
I'm happy to inform you that the company Christmas Party will take place on December 23, starting at noon in the private function room at the Grill House.
There will be a cash bar and plenty of drinks! We'll have a small band playing traditional carols...feel free to sing along.
And don't be surprised if our CEO shows up as Santa Claus!
A Christmas tree will be lit at 1:00 pm. Exchange of gifts among employees can be done at that time; however, no gift should be over $10.00 to make the giving of gifts easy for everyone's pockets. This gathering is only for employees!
Our CEO will make a special announcement at that time!
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
********************* ******************************
FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director 人力資源部主管 珮蒂
TO: All Employees 給所有員工
DATE: October 02
RE: Holiday Party 關於佳節派對
In no way was yesterday's memo intended to exclude our Jewish employees.
We recognize that Chanukah is an important holiday, which often coincides with Christmas, though unfortunately not this year. However, from now on we're calling it our "Holiday Party."
The same policy applies to any other employees who are not Christians or those still celebrating Reconciliation Day.
There will be no Christmas tree. No Christmas carols sung.
We will have other types of music. Happy now?
這麼一來,當天將不會有聖誕樹。 也不會有人唱耶誕歌。 我們將演奏其他類型的音樂。各位現在滿意了吧?
Happy Holidays to you and your family.
FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director 人力資源部主管 珮蒂
TO: All Employees 給所有員工
RE: Holiday Party 關於佳節派對
Regarding the note I received from a member of Alcoholics Anonymous requesting a non-drinking table ... you didn't sign your name. I'm happy to accommodate this request, but if I put a sign on a table that reads, "AA Only"; you wouldn't be anonymous anymore. How am I supposed to handle this? Somebody?
另外某位「匿名戒酒會」成員建議設置禁酒桌的請求… 而您卻沒有留下您的大名。 我個人是很願意接受這個提議啦,但是如果我在桌上擺了個「匿名戒酒會專屬」的牌子;你就不會再是匿名的!!!!! 請問是要我怎麼搞?誰來救救我?
Forget about the gifts exchange, no gifts exchange are allowed since the union members feel that $10.00 is too much money and executives believe $10.00 is a little chintzy. NO GIFTS EXCHANGE WILL BE ALLOWED.
FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director
To: All Employees 給所有員工
RE: Holiday Party 關於佳節派對
What a diverse group we are! I had no idea that December 20 begins the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which forbids eating and drinking during daylight hours.
There goes the party! Seriously, we can appreciate how a luncheon at this time of year does not accommodate our Muslim employees' beliefs. Perhaps the Grill House can hold off on serving your meal until the end of the party- or else package everything for you to take it home in little foil doggy baggy. Will that work?
Meanwhile, I've arranged for members of Weight Watchers to sit farthest from the dessert buffet and pregnant women will get the table closest to the restrooms.
Gays are allowed to sit with each other. Lesbians do not have to sit with Gay men, each will have their own table. Yes, there will be flower arrangement for the Gay men's table.
男同性戀者可以坐在一起。 女同性戀者不用跟男同性戀者坐,任何一個族群都有他們自己的桌子。 是的,男同性戀的桌上將會有插花擺飾。
To the person asking permission to cross dress, no cross-dressing allowed though.
We will have booster seats for short people.
Low-fat food will be available for those on a diet.
We cannot control the salt used in the food, so we suggest for those people with high blood pressure to taste first.
There will be fresh fruits as dessert for Diabetics, the restaurant cannot supply "No Sugar" desserts. Sorry!
我們還備有新鮮水果給糖尿病患者當點心,畢竟餐廳並不可能供應「沒有糖」的點心。 不好意思!!!!!!
Did I miss anything?!?!?
FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director 人力資源部主管 珮蒂
TO: All F****** Employees 給他X的所有員工
DATE: October 05, 2007
RE: The F****** Holiday Party 關於他X的佳節派對
Vegetarian pricks I've had it with you people!!!
吃素的怪咖們!!!! 老娘真是受夠你們了!!!!!!!
We're going to keep this party at the Grill House whether you like it or not, so you can sit quietly at the tab le furthest from the "grill of death," as you so quaintly put it, and you'll get your f****** salad bar, including organic tomatoes. But you know, tomatoes have feelings, too. They scream when you slice them. I've heard them scream. I'm hearing them scream right NOW! I hope you all have a rotten holiday!
Drive drunk and die,
老娘才不鳥你們爽不爽,反正派對還是要在「碳烤之家」舉辦!!!! 所以你們最好乖乖閉嘴找個離各位所謂的「屠宰碳烤區」最遠的位子坐,會有他X的沙拉吧餵飽你們,是的,還包括了有機蕃茄。不過你知道嗎?蕃茄他也是有感覺的!!!!! 當你一刀劈開他們的時候,他們也是會驚聲尖叫的!!!!! 我真的聽過他們尖叫!!!! 其實我現在就聽到他們正在尖叫!!!!!! 祝各位都有個臭酸的佳節!!!! 最好是醉酒駕駛然後一頭撞死!!!!!!
The Bitch from HELL!!!!!!!!
FROM: Joan Bishop, Acting Human Resources Director 代理人力資源部主管 瓊安
DATE: October 06, 2007
RE: Patty Lewis and Holiday Party 關於珮蒂與佳節派對
I'm sure I speak for all of us in wishing Patty Lewis a speedy recovery and I'll continue to forward your cards to her. In the meantime, management has decided to cancel our Holiday Party and give everyone the afternoon of the 23rd off with full pay.
Happy Holidays!
本人在此謹代表各位向珮蒂致意並祝她早日康復,我也會持續將各位的關愛卡片轉交給她。 同時,本公司管理單位也決定取消本次的佳節派對,改放大家23日下午支薪的半天假。祝各位佳節愉快!