復活節彩蛋(Easter Egg)本來是西方復活節的一種過節習俗,大夥兒在復活節當天,都會互相饋贈精心裝飾過的蛋蛋,象徵新生之意。後來有人開始用巧克力或其他材質做成蛋蛋的形狀,然後暗藏一些小玩意兒於內,收到的人並不知道蛋蛋內另含玄機,發現之後每生興奮之情,此後,復活節彩蛋便有「意外的驚喜」或「內藏玄機」的意味。
再說說影音光碟的世界,以前VHS或VCD的儲存媒體大都只能存放電影的正片,極少有所謂的附加收錄可供觀賞,然而現在DVD單一碟片的容量至少為4.7GB,可以存放的不再只是單單一部電影,還可以有多變的視訊及音訊供選擇,尤其更吸引買家的就是豐富的special features了,這些附加收錄包含了導演隨片講評(Director's Commentary)、幕後花絮(Behind the Scenes)、剪掉片段(Deleted Scenes)、電影預告(Theatrical Trailer)、不同結局(Alternate Ending)等等,琳瑯滿目的選單絕對目不暇給,然而有一些nonofficial but hilarious的小花絮,像是NG片段(gag reel)、搞笑側拍等等,這些在你的DVD選單裡可是找不到的,你所能做的就是盡可能地把玩你的遙控器,在上上下下左左右右的過程中,說不定你就會突然發現一個前所未見的驚喜,這就是DVD裡所謂的Easter Eggs了!老實說想要自己發現這些藏匿在DVD裡的復活節彩蛋,實在不是件輕而易舉的事,還好Internet真是個便捷的工具,透過搜尋引擎或是一些知名的彩蛋網站(如http://www.dvdeastereggs.com、http://dvd.ign.com/eggs.html等),你可以找到全世界網友們的新奇發現,例如你可以在「紅磨坊」DVD裡看到妮可基嫚扮鬼臉,害伊旺麥奎格唱"Your Song"唱到笑場的精采畫面、還有「征服情海」特別版裡湯姆克魯斯頂著個大光頭在後台亂跑的場面、以及「浩劫重生」裡那個擺了N年的快遞包裹內到底裝了什麼,族繁不及備載,你若手邊有這些藏著彩蛋的DVD的話,不妨自己試試吧!
Egg 1: In “The Stars” section, push up from John Leguizamo’s segment to highlight the green fairy and push enter to see John showcase his magical sitar outfit. (0:12)
Egg 2: In “The Cutting Room Floor” section, highlight “main menu” and arrow left to highlight a red windmill and hit enter to see an outtake where Nicole can’t keep a straight face. (1:59)
Egg 3: On the last main menu of Special Features, highlight the “Back” arrow and push right to highlight a red fairy and hit enter to see an outtake with Broadbent. (0:50)
Egg 4: In the “Dance” submenu, highlight “A Word From Baz” and arrow right to highlight the green fairy and hit enter to see Baz talking to actors at a rehearsal. (1:01)
Egg 5: In the “Choregraphy” submenu, highlight “main menu” and arrow right to highlight a windmill and hit enter to see Baz goofing around. (0:20)
Egg 6: In the “Design” submenu, within “Costume Design” choose the gallery for “A Courtesan’s Wardrobe” and go to the fourth page of the gallery. Push up to highlight a green fairy, and hit enter to see an outtake where Ewan’s mic gets misplaced. (1:30)
Egg 7: In the “Design” submenu, within “Costume Design” choose the gallery for “The Bohemians” and go to the fifth page of the gallery. Push up to highlight a red windmill and hit enter to see a video of the Bohemians messing around. (0:15)
Egg 8: In the “Design” submenu, within “Set Design” choose the gallery for “Gothic Tower” and go to the fifth page of the gallery. Push up to highlight a red windmill and hit enter to see a video of rehearsal where Nicole uses a persuasive tactic on Richard. (0:14)
Egg 9: In the “Design” submenu, within “Set Design” choose the gallery for “Spectacular Spectacular” and go to the second page of the gallery. Push up to highlight a green fairy and hit enter to see Baz take us to the ADR Studio doors. (0:40)
Egg 10: In the “Music” section, select “The Lady Marmalade Phenomenon” and arrow right from the ‘Main Menu’ option of this sub-menu to find a red windmill. Hit enter to see Baz & Dubsy in the car. (0:12)
Egg 11: In “Marketing” in the “Photo Gallery” section, highlight ‘Mary Ellen Mark’ and arrow right to find a red windmill. Hit enter to see John Leguizamo’s costume test. (0:38)
Egg 12: In “This Story Is About” in the “Old Storylines & Script Comparisons” submenu, push right at ‘return’ option to highlight a green fairy. Hit enter to see Baz & Craig goof around. (0:25)
Egg 13: On the “Design” submenu, type ‘18’ + enter, then ‘99’ + enter to see a makeup artists dust some nipples. (0:14) (Might not be what you are hoping for)
Egg 14: In the “Smoke & Mirrors” sub-menu, type ‘5’ + enter, then ‘18’ + enter to see the ol’ Top Hats raised on strings gag. (0:15)
Egg 15: In the “Stars” sub-menu, type ‘9’ + enter, then ‘17’ + enter to see a fond farewell to Ewan with bagpipes on the last day of principal photography.