◎ 1. 教父 (Godfather, The )
◎ 2. 刺激1995 (Shawshank Redemption, The )
3. 教父續集 (Godfather: Part II, The )
◎ 4. 魔戒三部曲:王者再臨 (Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The )
◎ 5. 魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀 (Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The )
◎ 6. 魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身 (Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The )
7. 北非諜影 (Casablanca )
◎ 8. 辛德勒的名單 (Schindler's List )
9. 七武士 (Shichinin no samurai )
10. 星際大戰 (Star Wars )
11. 大國民 (Citizen Kane )
◎ 12. 飛越杜鵑窩 (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest )
13. 奇愛博士 (Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb )
14. 後窗 (Rear Window )
15. 帝國大反擊 (Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back )
16. 法櫃奇兵 (Raiders of the Lost Ark )
◎ 17. 記憶拼圖 (Memento )
◎ 18. 刺激驚爆點 (Usual Suspects, The )
◎ 19. 黑色追緝令 (Pulp Fiction )
20. 北西北 (North by Northwest )
21. 十二怒漢 (12 Angry Men )
◎ 22. 艾蜜莉的異想世界 (Fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain, Le )
23. 驚魂記 (Psycho )
◎ 24. 阿拉伯的勞倫斯 (Lawrence of Arabia )
25. 黃昏三鏢客 (Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il )
◎ 26. 沈默的羔羊 (Silence of the Lambs, The )
27. 風雲人物 (It's a Wonderful Life )
28. 四海好傢伙 (Goodfellas )
◎ 29. 美國心玫瑰情 (American Beauty )
30. 日落大道 (Sunset Blvd. )
31. 迷魂記 (Vertigo )
◎ 32. 駭客任務 (Matrix, The )
33. 現代啟示錄 (Apocalypse Now )
◎ 34. 戰地琴人 (Pianist, The )
35. 梅崗城故事 (To Kill a Mockingbird )
36. 狂沙十萬里 (C'era una volta il West )
37. 黑獄亡魂 (Third Man, The )
38. 熱情如火 (Some Like It Hot )
39. 計程車司機 (Taxi Driver )
40. 光榮之路 (Paths of Glory )
◎ 41. 神隱少女 (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi )
◎ 42. 鬥陣俱樂部 (Fight Club )
43. 從海底出擊 (Boot, Das )
44. 雙重保險 (Double Indemnity )
◎ 45. 鐵面特警隊 (L.A. Confidential )
46. 唐人街 (Chinatown )
47. 萬花嬉春 (Singin' in the Rain )
48. 無法無天 (Cidade de Deus )
49. M (M )
50. 梟巢喋血戰 (Maltese Falcon, The )
◎ 51. 噩夢輓歌 (Requiem for a Dream ) →阿豪灰色指數五顆星推薦!
52. 桂河大橋 (Bridge on the River Kwai, The )
53. 慧星美人 (All About Eve )
◎ 54. 火線追緝令 (Se7en )
55. 聖杯傳奇 (Monty Python and the Holy Grail )
◎ 56. 搶救雷恩大兵 (Saving Private Ryan )
57. 蠻牛 (Raging Bull )
58. 羅生門 (Rashomon )
59. 綠野仙蹤 (Wizard of Oz, The )
60. 刺激 (Sting, The )
◎ 61. 異形 (Alien )
◎ 62. 美國X檔案 (American History X )
63. 史密斯遊美京 (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington )
◎ 64. 終極追殺令 (Leon )
65. 諜網迷魂 (Manchurian Candidate, The )
◎ 66. 美麗人生 (Vita e bella, La )
67. 歷劫佳人 (Touch of Evil )
68. 2001太空漫遊 (2001: A Space Odyssey )
69. 碧血金沙 (Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The )
70. 第三集中營 (Great Escape, The )
71. 霸道橫行 (Reservoir Dogs )
◎ 72. 臥虎藏龍 (Wo hu cang long )
73. 發條橘子 (Clockwork Orange, A )
74. 摩登時代 (Modern Times )
◎ 75. 阿瑪迪斯 (Amadeus )
76. 亂 (Ran )
77. 岸上風雲 (On the Waterfront )
78. 安妮霍爾 (Annie Hall )
◎ 79. 大白鯊 (Jaws )
◎ 80. 梅爾吉勃遜之英雄本色 (Braveheart )
81. 日正當中 (High Noon )
82. 公寓春光 (Apartment, The )
◎ 83. 冰血暴 (Fargo )
◎ 84. 異形續集 (Aliens )
◎ 85. 靈異第六感 (Sixth Sense, The )
86. 火車怪客 (Strangers on a Train )
87. 鬼店 (Shining, The )
88. 銀翼殺手 (Blade Runner )
89. 大都會 (Metropolis )
◎ 90. 海底總動員 (Finding Nemo )
91. 鴨羹 (Duck Soup )
92. 怵目驚魂28天 (Donnie Darko )
93. 將軍號 (General, The )
94. 城市之光 (City Lights )
95. 公主新娘 (Princess Bride, The )
◎ 96. 追殺比爾 (Kill Bill: Vol. 1 )
97. 大獨裁者 (Great Dictator, The )
◎ 98. 玩具總動員2 (Toy Story 2 )
99. 第七封印 (Sjunde inseglet, Det )
100. 美人計 (Notorious )
◎ 101. 新天堂樂園 (Nuovo cinema Paradiso )
102. 蘿拉快跑 (Lola rennt )
103. 金甲部隊 (Full Metal Jacket )
104. 蝴蝶夢 (Rebecca )
105. 魔法公主 (Mononoke-hime )
106. 夜長夢多 (Big Sleep, The )
107. 虎豹小霸王 (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid )
108. 畢業生 (Graduate, The )
109. 黃金時代 (Best Years of Our Lives, The )
110. 一夜風流 (It Happened One Night )
111. 曼哈頓 (Manhattan )
112. 巴頓將軍 (Patton )
◎ 113. 魔鬼終結者2 (Terminator 2: Judgment Day )
114. 越戰獵鹿人 (Deer Hunter, The )
115. 大鏢客 (Yojimbo )
116. 搜索者 (Searchers, The )
117. 單車失竊記 (Ladri di biciclette )
118. 光榮戰役 (Glory )
◎ 119. 阿甘正傳 (Forrest Gump )
120. 費城故事 (Philadelphia Story, The )
121. 非洲皇后 (African Queen, The )
122. 育嬰奇譚 (Bringing Up Baby )
123. 鐵窗喋血 (Cool Hand Luke )
124. 賓漢 (Ben-Hur )
◎ 125. 綠色奇蹟 (Green Mile, The )
◎ 126. 史瑞克 (Shrek )
127. 四海兄弟 (Once Upon a Time in America )
◎ 128. 悄悄告訴她 (Hable con ella )
129. 絕地大反攻 (Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi )
130. 殺無赦 (Unforgiven )
131. 老處女與毒藥 (Arsenic and Old Lace )
132. 戰地軍魂 (Stalag 17 )
133. 怒火之花 (Grapes of Wrath, The )
134. 獵人之夜 (Night of the Hunter, The )
135. 亂世佳人 (Gone with the Wind )
136. 神氣十足 (Christmas Story, A )
137. 日落黃沙 (Wild Bunch, The )
138. 史崔特先生的故事 (Straight Story, The )
139. 象人 (Elephant Man, The )
140. 聖戰奇兵 (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade )
141. 西線無戰事 (All Quiet on the Western Front )
142. 江湖浪子 (Hustler, The )
143. 前進高棉 (Platoon )
◎ 144. 回到未來 (Back to the Future )
145. 新科學怪人 (Young Frankenstein )
146. 小報妙冤家 (His Girl Friday )
147. 愛是一條狗 (Amores perros )
◎ 148. 怪獸電力公司 (Monsters, Inc. )
◎ 149. 終極警探 (Die Hard )
◎ 150. 愛情,不用翻譯 (Lost in Translation )
151. 羅賓漢 (Adventures of Robin Hood, The )
152. 大幻影 (Grande illusion, La )
◎ 153. 厄夜變奏曲 (Dogville )
154. 淘金記 (Gold Rush, The )
◎ 155. 神秘河流 (Mystic River )
156. 萬夫莫敵 (Spartacus )
◎ 157. 成名在望 (Almost Famous )
158. Life of Brian (Life of Brian )
159. 謎中謎 (Charade )
◎ 160. 神鬼戰士 (Gladiator )
161. 野草莓 (Smultronstallet )
162. 雙虎屠龍 (Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The )
163. 對話 (Conversation, The )
164. 那一個晚上 (Festen )
165. 情婦 (Witness for the Prosecution )
166. 波坦金戰艦 (Bronenosets Potyomkin )
◎ 167. 心靈角落 (Magnolia )
168. 羅馬假期 (Roman Holiday )
169. 彈簧刀 (Sling Blade )
◎ 170. 玩具總動員 (Toy Story )
◎ 171. 變腦 (Being John Malkovich )
◎ 172. 驚爆內幕 (Insider, The )
173. 巴西 (Brazil )
174. 歌劇之夜 (Night at the Opera, A )
175. 慾望街車 (Streetcar Named Desire, A )
176. 大陰謀 (All the President's Men )
177. 地球末日記 (Day the Earth Stood Still, The )
178. 靈慾春宵 (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? )
179. 穆荷蘭大道 (Mulholland Dr. )
180. 四百擊 (Quatre cents coups, Les )
181. 棘手摧花 (Shadow of a Doubt )
182. 生死攸關 (To Be or Not to Be )
183. 殺手 (Killing, The )
◎ 184. 大法師 (Exorcist, The )
185. 艾得伍德 (Ed Wood )
186. 紅色情深 (Trois couleurs: Rouge )
◎ 187. 魔鬼終結者 (Terminator, The )
188. 站在我這邊 (Stand by Me )
189. 吸血鬼 (Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens )
190. 未來總動員 (Twelve Monkeys )
191. 熱天午後 (Dog Day Afternoon )
◎ 192. 英雄 (Ying xiong )
193. 夏威醫生 (Harvey )
194. 搖滾萬萬歲 (This Is Spinal Tap )
195. 甘地 (Gandhi )
◎ 196. 蘭花賊 (Adaptation. )
◎ 197. 猜火車 (Trainspotting )
198. 鯨騎士 (Whale Rider )
199. 黑幫龍虎鬥 (Miller's Crossing )
200. 螢光幕後 (Network )
201. 冬之獅 (Lion in Winter, The )
202. 太空先鋒 (Right Stuff, The )
203. 今天暫時停止 (Groundhog Day )
204. 午夜牛郎 (Midnight Cowboy )
205. 雨人 (Rain Man )
206. 我倆沒有明天 (Bonnie and Clyde )
207. 八又二分之一 (8 1/2)
208. 羅蘭秘記 (Laura )
◎ 209. 神鬼第六感 (Others, The )
210. 金鋼 (King Kong )
211. 螢火蟲之墓 (Hotaru no haka )
◎ 212. 偷拐搶騙 (Snatch. )
213. 驛馬車 (Stagecoach )
◎ 214. 關鍵報告 (Minority Report )
215. 國防大機密 (39 Steps, The )
◎ 216. 兩根槍管 (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels )
217. 大路 (Strada, La )
◎ 218. 天人交戰 (Traffic )
219. 聖女貞德蒙難記 (Passion de Jeanne d'Arc, La )
220. 鐵面無私 (Untouchables, The )
221. 瘦子 (Thin Man, The )
222. 謀殺綠腳趾 (Big Lebowski, The )
223. 惡夜追緝令 (In the Heat of the Night )
224. 亨利五世 (Henry V )
◎ 225. 美女與野獸 (Beauty and the Beast )
226. 赤膽屠龍 (Rio Bravo )
227. 我的母親 (Todo sobre mi madre )
228. 浩劫餘生 (Planet of the Apes )
◎ 229. 神鬼奇航:鬼盜船魔咒 (Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl )
230. 幻想曲 (Fantasia )
231. 無為而治 (Being There )
◎ 232. X戰警2 (X2 )
◎ 233. 心靈捕手 (Good Will Hunting )
234. 喋血雙雄 (Die xue shuang xiong )
235. 生之欲 (Ikiru )
236. 紅河谷 (Red River )
237. 科學怪人的新娘 (Bride of Frankenstein )
◎ 238. 美麗境界 (Beautiful Mind, A )
◎ 239. 大智若魚 (Big Fish )
240. 瘋狂店員 (Clerks. )
◎ 241. 外星人 (E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial )
242. Sleuth (Sleuth )
243. 大戰巴墟卡 (Man Who Would Be King, The )
244. 蓬門今始為君開 (Quiet Man, The )
245. 外科醫生 (MASH )
246. 烈火悍將 (Heat )
◎ 247. 白雪公主 (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs )
◎ 248. 非法正義 (Road to Perdition )
249. 誰殺了甘迺迪 (JFK )
250. 鳥 (Birds, The )